Warehouse Assessment

Pride in Performance

Warehouse Assessment

The corner stone of your supply chain, we review and evaluate all warehousing operations, making recommendations which optimise the flow of goods, and guarantee stock availability to meet demand.

What We Provide

Our experienced consultants provide a detailed analysis and assessment which overcomes weaknesses and bottlenecks across the warehouse to improve the customer experience. Spanning areas such as racking and manhandling equipment to systems, recommendations are designed to reduce costs in each area, optimise processes and deliver greater control over labour and resources.

Key Benefits

As well as enhanced visibility on the strengths, weaknesses and bottlenecks within your warehouse operations, our experts will help optimise the flow of goods, and better capacity utilisation will facilitate reduced costs, increased efficiency and higher inventory accuracy.

When You Need It

  • Are your warehousing costs too high?
  • Are you unable to utilize your resources effectively?
  • Do you lack visibility and control over your warehousing operations?
  • Do you need to increase the overall performance of your warehouse?
  • Are you unable to receive, store, manage and ship your products accurately and on time?

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“When the results were presented to us, we were pleased to confirm that we have made the right selection for a supply chain partner. SNS and ALOER have given us a lot to work on and we will surely be contacting them again to help us implement some of the suggested solutions.”
Site Services Group Leader at CERN
Warehouse Design
We help increase speed and accuracy across the operation, achieving high levels of safety and security while meeting the storage requirements
Supply Network Design
We help determine the best locations and most suitable facility sizes to fulfil current and future requirements
Supply Chain Software Selection
We help you select the most suitable software for your operations



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27 Jul, 2024
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